Copmanthorpe Primary School

Welcome to Year 6


                                                                     6S Oak                                  6P Chestnut


 Mrs Sherwin and Mrs Packham 


This page will provide some brief information about Year 6, including staffing, routines, the Year 6 curriculum and some additional links to helpful resources.

Any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Year 6 team via the school office email or telephone. 

Please make sure you have downloaded our school app to receive important updates. 

Click here to download the 'Welcome to Year 6' meeting slides 

Robinwood Residential Trip - 9th-11th October 2024

Autumn Term 2024

This term, Year 6’s topic will be 'The Mysterious Maya'. The host subject will be History along with English but we will also be incorporating Geography, DT and Art.

Click here to download the Autumn Term Newsletter

Key Dates:

  • Tuesday 3rd September 2024: Back to school
  • Monday 9th September 2024: 'Welcome to Year 6' meeting for parents/carers at 3.15pm in 6P classroom
  • Thursday 19th September 2024: Robinwood Parent/Carer Information Meeting at 6pm (Upper School Hall)
  • Thursday 24th September 2024: Phunky Foods DT session (more info to follow)
  • Wednesday 9th October - Friday 11th October 2024Robinwood Residential Trip at Dobroyd Castle, Todmorden 


Homework will be handed out every week on a Friday and due back on the Friday of the following week.


In the first two weeks of term, all children will be given a colour banded reading book to take home and read. Children can also bring in their own books from home. Reading at home is encouraged at least three times a week but ideally every day. Please ensure that any reading is recorded in their Home School Planner which will be coming home with their reading book. Reading Plus will continue in Year 6 for Autumn and Spring term; please encourage your child to use the online program (logins will be in planners).


We are introducing a new scheme for teaching spelling in Year 6. The scheme looks at teaching spellings through phonics.  The scheme introduces a clear and systematic view for teaching spellings that will provide our children with life-long strategies. 


A UFO (Useful Four Operations) sheet will be sent home each week. Regular practice of the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) is crucial to developing fluency in Maths, and will support your child in all areas of Maths. Times Tables should also be practised regularly to ensure fast recall of facts up to 12 x 12; Times Table Rockstars is an excellent website to help improve speed and accuracy. 

Year 6 staff

6S Oak class teacher: Mrs Sherwin 

6P Chestnut class teacher: Mrs Packham

Mr Simms, Mrs Jackson and Mrs Brown (Forest Schools) will be teaching Year 6 on a Thursday afternoon.

General Information

  •  Please ensure that your child's uniform, coat, pack up and water bottle are clearly labelled.
  • Children will be given a banded reading book as a home reader, unless they have indicated to us that they are currently reading another suitable book at home.
  • Named water bottles should be in school daily and must be taken home daily for washing.
  • PE will be on a Thursday. Children should arrive at school in their full PE kit on these days only. Please make sure they are wearing suitable PE kit for the weather. If your child needs to be excused from PE, please send a note with them to avoid confusion.
  • Please note: we are a NUT FREE SCHOOL, so children cannot bring any nut products to school in their pack ups. We appreciate your co-operation with this.
  • Snacks must be healthy and cannot be shared with other children.

 Useful Links


Please see this help sheet on keeping children safe online: Click here

Well-being Booklet: Click here