Copmanthorpe Primary School

Page updated  - 29th June 2022

  Year 3 

This page will give you some brief information about Year 3. If you have any questions or would just like to speak to a member of the Year 3 team then please contact the school office (via phone or email). We are extremely keen to keep an open and supportive dialogue between home and school.

As usual, any urgent information will generally be sent out via the school app or email.

As the new year begins, we will continue to embed our behaviour policy; Ready, Respectful and Safe (RRS)

We will also be reinforcing good learning attitudes with the help of the Copmanthorpe Learning Buddies: Resilient Snail, Resourceful Squirrel, Reciprocal Bee and Reflective Owl. (RRRR) 

Important Year 3 Dates

 8th July - Teacher Training Day - school closed to pupils

14th July - Transition Morning

20th July -  Upper School Sports Day - Year 3 at 1:15pm

21st June - Ancient Egyptian classroom museum with fancy dress and informal parents' evening - 2:30 til 6:00pm

classroom egyptian museum parent letter.pdf


Year 3 Staff

3CN Walnut Teachers - Mrs. Nicholson - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon                           

                                          Mrs. Cunningham - Thursday and Friday

3T  Sycamore Teacher - Mrs. Turpin 

                                          Mrs. Wooldridge will be teaching 3T on a Wednesday afternoon.

Mrs. Harvey (French/R.E. alternate half terms) and Mr. Simms (P.E.) will be teaching both classes on Wednesday morning. 

Year 3 shared TAs -  Mrs. Mead (Monday morning, Wednesday and Thursday) Mrs. Sadler (Tuesday and Friday)

General Information

  • Please ensure that your child’s uniform, coat, pack up and water bottle are clearly labelled. We will not be able to hold onto lost property anymore and children will not be able to wander the school to look for lost items so if it is not named we won't be able to return it to the correct child. 
    PE this half term, will be on Mondays and Wednesdays so children are to come into school in their full PE kit on these days only. Please make sure that they have on suitable PE kit for the weather as we will usually be outside. Please also ensure that long hair is tied up and earrings are either removed or covered up on P.E. days. If your child needs to be excused from PE, please send them with a note to avoid confusion. 
  • As the children are now in KS2, school does not have funding to provide a morning snack. However, your child is welcome to bring in their own 'healthy' snack. Please note we are a NUT FREE SCHOOL, so children cannot bring any nut products to school in their snacks or packed lunches. We appreciate your co-operation with this.  
  • The Curriculum for the Summer Term

We will be continuing with a broad curriculum covering a range of subject and skill areas at mostly Year 3 level. We will continually assess and review which aspects of the curriculum we need to revisit from Year 2 in order to fill any gaps in learning that the children may have.  

Please see the curriculum newsletter for Summer 2

year 3 newsletter summer 2 ancient egypt.pdf

  Please see below the end of year expectations for all year groups: 

end of year expectations foundation to year 6.pdf


  • Home Learning

Our regular homework will consist mainly of spelling and maths practice. Short, regular practice sessions both in school and at home are one of the most effective ways to embed both spelling, maths skills and times tables.

Homework will be sent home on a Thursday and due back on the following Wednesday

Nb. Please note that this is for our ‘normal’ home learning, ‘remote’ learning for children who are isolating will be provided separately.


  • Reading really is the backbone of learning both in an academic sense, for all curriculum areas, but also in a wider sense, in relation to a child's independence, mental health and just for shear enjoyment so it is enormously important that we give it such a high focus. Reading at home can be their school reading book, a novel, fact book or comic. All reading, whatever it is, is really beneficial for improving fluency and comprehension.
  • All children have been given a colour banded reading book to take home and read at home. When finished, they can return to school and select another book to take home. If children want to bring a book in from home to read in school, then this is absolutely fine as they will be encouraged to read over lunchtime. 
  • Reading at home is encouraged at least three times a week but ideally everyday. 
  • Please ensure that any reading is recorded in their Home School Planner.
  • We aim to check the planners every Friday.


  • Spellings taken from the Year 3/4 statutory words will be sent home to practise in a variety of ways including using Spelling Shed several times at home. 
  • In the back of the homework book, we have included a full list of the Statutory Spellings for Years 1 and 2 and Year 3 and 4 and also a Spelling Activity Menu which you may find useful for helping your child practise their spellings.
  • Please encourage your child to continue to practise any common exception words from Year 1 and 2 that they find challenging. 

Click here for the statutory Year 3 & 4 Spellings 

Chick here for the Statutory Year 1 and 2 Spellings

Spelling Activity Menu


  • An activity linked to a what we are learning in school will be sent home occasionally. This may be every couple of weeks or more often depending on the current maths topic. This will allow the skills they are learning in school to be embedded through further practise at home.
  • By the end of Year 3, children should know the following times tables: 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 10.  Having a secure knowledge of times tables will help your child in many different areas of maths so we will be encouraging children to access Timetable Rockstars at home as well as in school.


A cross curricular activity menu will be sent home shortly for children to continue their topic learning at home. There is a separate homework book for this. Towards the end of each term, the children will be asked to share and celebrate their home topic work with their class mates.

su 2 homework menu egypt .pdf


Please get in touch if you need further clarification and thank you for your support with home learning.


Best regards, 

Mrs. Turpin, Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs. Cunningham and the whole Year 3 team


The following links were shared with parents during the periods of remote learning due to the pandemic. We have kept them on here as many of the sites and resources are really useful if your child is eager or requires further support.

  • Supporting Information and Home Learning Website Links

 Cross Curricular





PSHE AND WELLBEING (Child friendly Covid info)

Science, Computing and STEM

